Since I launched my color cycle survey in December, it has collected ~9.7k responses across ~800 user sessions. Although the responses are not as numerous as I’d like, there’s currently enough data for preliminary analysis. The data are split between sets of six, eight, and ten colors with ratios of approximately 2:2:1; there are fewer ten-color color set responses as I disabled that portion of the survey months ago, to more quickly record six- and eight-color color set responses. So far, I’ve focused on analyzing the set ranking of the six-color color sets, for which there are ~4k responses, using artificial neural networks. The gist of the problem is to use the survey’s pair-wise responses to train a neural network such that it can rank 10k previously-generated color sets; these colors sets each have a minimum perceptual distance between colors, both with and without color vision deficiency simulations applied.
As inputs with identical structure are being compared, a network architecture that is invariant to input order, i.e., one that produces identical output for inputs (A, B) and (B, A), is desirable. Conjoined neural networks1 satisfy this property; they consist of two identical neural networks with shared weights, the outputs of which are combined to produce a single result. In this case, each network takes a single color set as input and produces a single scalar output, a “score” for the input color set. The two scores are then compared, with the better scoring color set of the input pair chosen as the preferred set; put more concretely, the difference of the two scores is computed and used to calculate binary cross-entropy during network training. The architecture of the network appears in the figure below and contains 2077 trainable parameters.
Bromley, Jane, Isabelle Guyon, Yann LeCun, Eduard Säckinger, and Roopak Shah. “Signature verification using a ‘Siamese’ time delay neural network.” In Advances in neural information processing systems, pp. 737-744. 1994. ↩