
A good six inches of snow fell here today. The birds and squirrels were still out, however. It was quite enjoyable watching the squirrels as they leaped and dug through the snow in search of food, freshly buried under a layer of white.

Squirrel on Snowy TreeBird on Snowy Bird FeederSquirrel with Nut in SnowSnow SceneSquirrel Jumping in SnowAzalea in SnowSnow Covered SquirrelBird in SnowYew in Snow

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Canon PowerShot SD400 Infrared Cut-off Filter Removal

Silicon, in the form of a digital camera image sensor, is sensitive to near-infrared light. However, digital cameras use a cut-off filter to block these wavelengths. Removing this filter makes the camera sensitive to near-infrared, and replacing it with a filter that blocks visible light but is transparent to near-infrared light allows for infrared photography.

All of the following photos can be enlarged if clicked. Sample images from the modified camera are at the end of the post.

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Happy New Year!

Happy 2012!

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Merry Christmas

Christmas Tree

Christmas is not a time or a season but a state of mind. To cherish peace and good will, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.

~Calvin Coolidge

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Winter Solstice

The winter solstice, December 22 at 5:30 UTC this year, is the shortest day of the year. Flowers make up for that.


Weeping Cherry Blossoms



Weeping Cherry Blossoms





Finally, due to the season, some holly:



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