Map of Baltimore

Since living in Baltimore, I’ve wanted some sort of map of the city to hang on my wall. Unfortunately, I never found anything I liked. Something I did like is Stamen Design’s Toner maps. However, in its most easily available form, online map tiles, it is not well suited for high-resolution printing nor does it show the city limits. Fortunately, the style is open source. After cloning the repository, adding a rule to make an outline of Baltimore, rendering it to SVG, and clipping and editing the map with Inkscape, I was left with something I liked.

Map of Baltimore

A vector-based PDF version suitable for high-resolution printing is available here. The map data is copyright OpenStreetMap contributors under the ODbL. The map itself is CC BY-SA Stamen Design (and me). Here is a photo of the map on my wall. Feel free to get the PDF printed.

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George Peabody Library

During intersession, I took a class at the George Peabody Library that afforded me the opportunity to extensively photograph the gorgeous building. Designed by architect Edmund Lind and completed in 1878, the building is considered one of the most stunning libraries in North America. It houses part of the special collections of Johns Hopkins University’s Sheridan Libraries. Here are a selection of those photos.

George Peabody Library

Here is the complete set on Flickr.
Also, here is a panorama of the building.

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Quadcopter in the George Peabody Library

During intersession, I’m taking a class at the George Peabody Library. The librarians were nice enough to let me fly my quadcopter in the library.

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Cats don’t try to make funny faces, or do they?

Cat making funny face

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Introducing Slenderbox

For the past two years, I’ve been using a WordPress lightbox plugin based on v2.0x of Lightbox 2 for displaying full-size images. While it worked well, it was also quite large, relying on the Prototype JavaScript framework. Looking at alternatives, I found that almost all were based on jQuery, something I found to be overkill for something simple like a lightbox script. As I found nothing nearly as optimized as I would like, I set out to write my own script.

Using CSS3, SVG, and regular JavaScript, I was able to write a script, Slenderbox, that is just 2kB minified and gzipped, smaller than even the GIF loading icons used by most similar scripts. The only downside is older browsers aren’t supported, particularly Internet Explorer prior to version 9. In addition, the loading icon is a SMIL animated SVG, which isn’t supported by any version of Internet Explorer. Starting with version 1.1, a CSS3 animation, supported by Internet Explorer 10+, is used for the loading icon.

Slenderbox is available by itself and as a WordPress plugin.

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