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Category Archives: Design
Camp Workcoeman Website Redesign
I spent the last few weeks redesigning the Camp Workcoeman website. The site design is based on Bootstrap, without the jQuery components, and makes heavy use of SVGs. In addition, the header dynamically responds to the time of day—the sun’s … Continue reading
Map of Baltimore
Since living in Baltimore, I’ve wanted some sort of map of the city to hang on my wall. Unfortunately, I never found anything I liked. Something I did like is Stamen Design’s Toner maps. However, in its most easily available … Continue reading
8-Bit Blue Jay
Here’s a Blue Jay drawn in 8-bit style with a resolution of 16 pixels by 16 pixels. Its actual color depth is 2-bit, 2.5-bit if one counts transparency.
Every Cloud…
Every cloud has an Ag (silver) lining. Chemistry jokes are tons of fun! (Metric tons that is). High Resolution Flickr
A social commentary on color blindness.
Full Resolution PDF Flickr